Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Things You Should Know When Choosing a Chiropractor

!9#: Things You Should Know When Choosing a Chiropractor

Finding the right chiropractor to suit your individual needs can be a difficult task, particularly if you have never been to a chiropractor before. There are many different chiropractic treatment techniques as well as different philosophies and approaches to case management. Sadly, some new chiropractic patients are dipleased with their initial chiropractic experience because they chose a chiropractor whose approach was not consistent with the patient's wants and expectations. For those who have a bad first experience with chiropractic, there is a tendency to assume that all chiropractic treatment is the same and they may decide never to try chiropractic care again. This is unfortunate, because a large number of people who avoid chiropractic treatment altogether could benefit tremendously from the right "style" of chiropractic, and in fact might get superior health benefits to what can be achieved with any other form of treatment.

To find the right chiropractor, there are some simple steps that the individual can take to dramatically improve the chances of having a good experience and good clinical outcome. It may actually be easier to begin with discussing the things not to do when searching for a chiropractor.

What many people do when they first decide to try a chiropractor is they look in some sort of directory, such as the yellow pages, their insurance provider list, or they search online for the closest chiropractor. Because those new to chiropractic don't realize the vast differences in technique and patient management philosophies among chiropractors, the initial choice of a chiropractor usually comes down to considerations such as location, insurance coverage, and cost per visit. In actuality, these are probably the least important considerations overall in determining whether a given chiropractor is going to be a good choice for a given individual.

The most important factor to consider when choosing a chiropractor is probably the treatment methods that he or she utilizes. The primary treatment that makes chiropractic different from other types of health care is the "spinal adjustment", which is also called "spinal manipulation", and there are many different ways that this treatment can be performed. These ways range from moderately forceful manual thrusts that produce cracking noises from the joints to low-force methods that may be performed using an instrument that gently "taps" on the joints, or uses wedges to reposition the body to allow gravity to correct joint alignment. There are also techniques that are somewhere in-between in terms of the force applied that use special "drop" tables that have sections that drop down when the adjustment thrust is made to help "bump" joints back into alignment and proper mobility.

The forceful manual techniques may produce some brief discomfort, and they are generally not a good approach for patients with fragile bones (such as from osteoporosis), or for those patients who are fearful and have difficulty relaxing for the treatment. Even so, when appropriate, these methods tend to provide faster relief of pain and other symptoms than the low-force methods. A chiropractor who is experienced with manual adjusting techniques (such as Diversified or Gonstead technique) is often a good choice for younger, generally healthy patients who are not afraid of feeling and hearing their joints pop. Older patients and those who are anxious about the treatment will typically find that a chiropractor who uses a low-force method (such as Pro-Adjuster, Activator, or Sacro-Occipital Technique) or a medium-force method (such as the Thompson drop-table method) a better choice.

In addition to the spinal adjusting technique, chiropractors may offer a variety of other treatment methods, such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, massage, and rehabilitative exercise. Depending on the methods used, the total treatment time and cost per visit can vary dramatically from one chiropractor to another. While longer visits do not always translate into better results, in many cases, a chiropractor who spends more time per visit will require fewer visits. This can be a big consideration for both time and out of pocket expense.

A second major consideration is the doctor's philosophy and approach to patient management. Some chiropractors primarily provide treatment for symptomatic relief, while others believe in providing some degree of rehabilitation of underlying problems, and still others do long-term treatment to permanently correct skeletal alignment as much as possible. The differences in these approaches are considerable when it comes to the frequency and duration of treatment prescribed and the patient's out of pocket cost for treatment.

So, before you choose a chiropractor, it is strongly suggested that you take the time to consider what your goal of treatment is. You need o decide whether you are dedicated enough to invest the necessary time and money to do long-term corrective and preventive care, or whether you simply want a doctor who is willing to provide "patch" care to allow you to feel better and get on with your life for the time being. Neither approach is wrong or right, it just depends on what your needs and desires are at this particular point in your life.

Once you know what it is you want in terms of treatment techniques and your goal for the outcome of your treatment, you are then in a position to interview and select a chiropractor. It is recommended that you call or visit a few chiropractors first before you commit to scheduling the initial evaluation. Most chiropractors will be happy to speak with you on the phone and/or provide a no-cost consultation in person. It may take you a little time and effort to find the right chiropractor for you, but the results of making your choice carefully can be well worth it.

Things You Should Know When Choosing a Chiropractor

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Monday, December 19, 2011

The Benefits of Inversion Table Therapy

!9#: The Benefits of Inversion Table Therapy

What is inversion table?

Inversion table is an exercises table that is designed in such a way that your feet is placed higher than your head. Therefore it helps to reduces the negative effects of gravity. In fact these tables position your body upside down, so the gravity works in the opposite direction.

They are recommended by most of the doctors and physical therapist for patients who are suffering from back pain. In fact for these patients most medical practitioners recommended inversion table exercise.

Inversion tables comes in many different sizes and design.They are also available from many different brands and manufacturers.

Just like any other exercise equipments some of them are large, complicated, immobile and expensive and if not used correctly could cause injury to the user. There are also some made to be portable and could fit into a small living room or storage space.

Some inversion tables could also be used as a workout machine that you can exercise other body parts. The price tag is labeled according to the features and functionality. For examples power inversion tables are more expensive than the manually operated one.

They differ in the amount of weight that each one can sustain and also in the period of durability. Some of the manufacturers offer warranty while others are not.

What are other benefits of inversion table?

The table is especially effective for people with lower back pain, since the gravity helps to stretch the back bone. As a result it provides a great relief from the lower back pain.

Inversion table exercises are especially helpful for older people. Since much of the back problems are due to the aging process. Back pain is largely the effect of gravity constantly pulling down over a long period of time.

Inversion therapy is not new. It has been around for thousands of years.

It is claimed that the use of inversion table could improve blood circulation, helps to lessen compression fatigue and as a result reduces stress and promotes relaxation. It is also used for treatment of stress headaches.

Those who tried this treatment believed that it can increase flexibility in movement for older people and reduce the effects of aging caused by gravity.

Some of the doctors with conventional western medicinal practice are reluctant to prescribe inversion therapy to their patients. However the benefits of inversion therapy is widely known. Such therapy is known to help improve posture, lessen back pain, better blood circulation and increase flexibility.

The Benefits of Inversion Table Therapy

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Does an Inversion Table Actually Do? How Does it Eliminate Back Pain?

!9# What Does an Inversion Table Actually Do? How Does it Eliminate Back Pain?

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An inversion gravity table has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain. In fact, a study by Newcastle University in England showed that inversion tables were able to reduce the need for surgery more than 70% of the time. This alone is a reason to at least try inversion therapy before you go under the knife. But what does an inversion table actually do?

First, let's look at how the spine works. The spine is composed of vertebrae. In between the vertebrae are spinal disks that absorb impact and stress. Over time, these disks are exposed to a tremendous amount of pressure. There is no time that it is ever not under pressure. Even when you lay down, there is still 30% of force on these disks. The only way to remove 100% of the pressure is to hang upside down.

But how does relieving this pressure actually benefit you? By eliminating all of the pressure, you allow the nerves more freedom. You see, as the spine compresses, this can put additional pressure on the nerves leading from the spinal column. By letting the spinal disks decompress, you release those nerves. This can greatly cut down on most back pain.

Now, you want to use an inversion gravity table 10 minutes a day. Don't start with a full inversion, especially if you are a beginner. Instead, start with a slight recline. Work your way up a little further each session, until you are fully inverted. Then stay inverted for a minute, and gradually add time to each session until you are able to stay inverted for a full ten minutes.

Being inverted for that long will give your spine plenty of time to decompress. This relieves the pressure on the nerves for the rest of the day. After a few days of doing this, you will notice an improvement in back pain. If you keep doing it, you should eliminate most, if not all back pain.

Once you start to see an improvement in back pain from using the inversion gravity table, you can progress to other methods of relieving back pain. Exercise can help, especially abdominal exercises. It may sound odd, but strengthening your abdominal muscles can greatly decrease lower back pain. This is because the abdominals support the spinal column, keeping it stabilized. Back and shoulder exercises can also help to improve posture, which also reduces back pain.

What Does an Inversion Table Actually Do? How Does it Eliminate Back Pain?

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Yoga Poses reversed Basics

!9# Yoga Poses reversed Basics

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Some of the most common yoga poses are looking dog inverted pose, standing forward bend to pose Prasarita Padottanasana, Dolphin Pose, Shoulder Stand set to provide headstand pose and legs on the wall. All these yoga exercises are known as inverted poses, because practicing these positions, the head is lower than that of the heart, which is the opposite of our normal upright position.

There is no doubt that all this brings great health benefits are, but it is also a fact that manyinversions required special attention by the doctor. There are some, like the position on the head and shoulder stand pose pose that require a lot of strength and skill and therefore should not be in the running. These two should be avoided by patients with very high blood pressure or low. You should also people who are overweight and who have glaucoma and can be avoided by women during the menstrual cycle, because it is home to some of the best and most secure versions, or supported the first of these practicesPostures.

As the head or at least certain organs in the inverted position has great health benefits, such as only inverted position, a very different and special about the physical and mental health. During practice, the candidates are very strange settings that enhance the experience physiological, psychological and spiritual aspirant. This is suitable mainly due to the increased focus and concentration during these postures. It shouldalways respect those limits during the physical practice of yoga and not have to push their physical limits too far. When you are in a class of teachers often remind students and if you watch a yoga DVD, there should also be mentioned.

As for the physical health benefits of these poses are considered, are immense. All yoga poses significant enhancement positions reversed. The shoulders, back, abdomen and legs are particularly reinforced for manyto enable them, as they get these organs and lead to a train of gravity. Many of the positions may do wonders for the circulation of the blood and digestive system. To promote some of the inversions as a headstand and shoulder stand vitality and balance the body, stimulating the glands and hormonal system.

Although this might appear to be inverted yoga postures at the top, the regular practice of these poses are held, certainly difficult for the doctorstable and long term. They should be learned by practicing yogi. Even if they learn from the DVD, try the best you can find.

Yoga Poses reversed Basics

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

With the attitude like a bra back support

!9# With the attitude like a bra back support

[if ]

Sometimes it can make things easy to despair. Tired of neck and upper back pain are looking for women of back support posture bra. Here is where things can become difficult for women than for men. While both men and women, the constant force of gravity pulls them to have, women have a little extra in the front, which can affect them more.

For most people it is the position of the head, that gravity pulls all day long on the neck and upper back holds. Move your head forward an inchand you have increased the force of gravity on your supporting muscles by a factor of ten.

The answer? Working to improve neck and back pain, muscle strength gradually bring back his head on his shoulders, and removing the head forward and increase pressure on the spine and muscles.

For women, but also acted on the chest by the force of gravity has shifted to deal with them later. Be careful, though. The addition of a rear support of any kind will help the back, but notTo solve the problem of posture. If you are looking for a bra posture back support, you must use a two-step approach to end the back pain to be taken.

Do you still want a workout program to build strength in the muscles of the neck and back, they receive almost immediately you will find something to sustain pain relief. If you continue with the attitude of bra to buy, you just want to make sure that you are not lazy, take care of the postural muscles.

Wearing a support position for any kindtime (like weeks or months) can gradually reduce the strength of your muscles. And 'as if she is not even used, so why should they stay strong? If your legs are no longer, which would eventually be weakened. The same principle applies to the back muscles.

Check your work station and a look at all the exercises you are doing. You have your normal daily activities of your back muscles? Or you can add in things that are to increase yourPostural muscles, which will reduce your need to find a bra posture support back. Sometimes we think we do what we can do to solve a problem, but our efforts are just specific enough to really get the problem.

With the attitude like a bra back support

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Introducing Teeter EP-950 Inversion Table

!9# Introducing Teeter EP-950 Inversion Table

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The EP-950 Teeter Hang-ups inversion table is a one-of-a-kind inversion, which is itself critically designed to meet your needs reversing, without compromising safety, comfort and the need of relief . It uses many patented devices that can not be found in other inversion tables.

Its properties have been carefully and technically so is the table right balance available, so that any movement during inversion does not change your focus.

A patented flexThe technology allows the backrest to move with your movements during the inversion. Updates include the ankle lock ratchet system with triple security lock that are easy to reach. The EZ Stretch Handles to increase the tensile force in pre-set the angle of inversion are 20, 40 and 60 degrees. And 'step would be for you to choose good with your body. It even comes with the new ankle Select Comfort, fit the size of the ankle to accommodateeach dimension of the feet, increasing the safety and convenience for anyone to use it.

The reverse rocker table with a broad base of A-frame with padded feet for stability quenching products, steel shaft and bearings specialist and self-locking hinges gives you more security, while in practice inversion therapy. Because it is high quality product, it's quiet and eliminates squeaks. It can be customized to your individual needs as you progress later in theTherapy.

These are the reasons why this machine has celebrated many positive comments from users. Moreover, many said it was the best inversion table on the market, may reduce the need for surgical treatment. No other device has the features and quality of this car, very worth every penny paid tuned.

Introducing Teeter EP-950 Inversion Table

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Drinking water can help relieve a bulging disc?

!9# Drinking water can help relieve a bulging disc?

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The theme of this article may be a bit 'strange, strike, but let me share with you how things simple and quite normal as drinking water can help relieve back pain and help you to restore freedom and mobility to enjoy your life again.

If you have a herniated or bulging disc, you probably know the basic anatomy of the spine. There are 24 vertebrae, and each is a disc that separated to allow flexibility and acts as a shock absorber. If you already havereally done your homework, you probably already know that the discs are composed of two layers. The outer layer is stiffer and stiffer than the softer inner layer of jelly. If you have a herniated or bulging disc, the inner layer begins to push their way through the outer layer.

This, of course, can cause all sorts of problems when the disk protrudes and presses on the sciatic nerve, nervous, or any other for that matter.

How can something so simple and trivial as drinking waterWater helps to solve a problem like this?

Well, you've probably heard that the water body to 70%. Now that the disc is no different. They are mainly composed of water. When you wake in the morning, in fact, an average of one inch taller than you are at the end of the day. This is because the discs of the spine by the force of gravity during the day are compacted. Then, if you want to rest during the night, the glass is filled with water to expand again to startthe next day.

But if you do not have enough water each day, the disc may have trouble filling with liquid. If this happens, the stress begins to build on them and things begin to happen as a full disk or herniated disk.

Be sure to drink your eight glasses a day to be healthy your spine, making it the means of communication is necessary to avoid problems down the road has.

Remember that I speak here specifically of water. Not soda,or coffee or tea. Only water. Not all liquids are created equal and some of them may dehydrate you even more, rather than filling your body with liquids (and disks).

Most people in our society seem to have an aversion to water, because it was too "boring" compared to flavored drinks such as soda or sweetened coffee. But also remember that your body is designed to operate at a biological level, in water, not soda or coffee or something. Maybe that's whythat there are many people who are chronically dehydrated and technically to suffer from back pain conditions.

So, keep your back fills the liquid it needs plenty of water to stay hydrated and drink. This is a small change is possible and it is much easier and less extreme than buying a table or expensive to reverse a dangerous operation.

Drinking water can help relieve a bulging disc?

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Inversion Swing (only)

!9# Inversion Swing (only)

Brand : Gravity Plus | Rate : | Price : $159.00
Post Date : Aug 10, 2011 01:09:15 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Height-adjustable
  • 2-year limited warranty
  • With eye-hooks - DoorGym not included

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Inversion Swing (only)

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Inversion Therapy says - you should be a table of reverse?

!9# Inversion Therapy says - you should be a table of reverse?

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Never heard of inversion therapy? You have problems with back pain or other back? Read on and find out what inversion therapy can be done using an inversion table to help your back problems, and also for the entire well-being.

Inversion therapy is the word always used for a person with back problems hand upside down - inverted. What is usually done using what is known as an inversion table. A reversal is a table that is fixated onby special boots, boots known as gravity, and turn your head and hang Sun

What do you do for back pain, when it reversed? What happens is that even reverse the influence of gravity on the spine off. Normally, of course, is the force of gravity pushing down on the rear load put on it, whether you're standing or sitting. But hang on a table, reverse the influence of gravity around.

Gravity is usually press down on your disksand keeps all the muscles work to keep everything in place. After the compression caused by gravity relaxes the muscles can relax and you are able to release much of the pressure on both the spine and intervertebral discs in it, and the muscles and ligaments that surround as well.

An inversion table is designed to allow you to do so in varying degrees, in comfort. There is no need to depend completely on its head to get some benefits of using an inversion table ismay be sufficient to reverse a limited extent, just to stress the back. Just be, for example, for a slightly lower position, lean your head back to start, some benefits that you feel able to introduce, and then you can from there.

What benefits can be obtained from a table in reverse? Users report many benefits:

Relief of back pain is probably one of the most important, but there are others. Should help the circulation,relieve your spine and make you feel great. It should help you sleep better and give an overall well-being.

Users of inversion tables on the benefits that they rave experience, often shortly after initiation of therapy reversed.

Of course, if you have a specific problem again, you should first consult your doctor, but there are many who value traditional treatments of back pain relief caused by the use of inversion therapy Whenfailed.

So if you have back pain, or are just looking for a way to improve your overall wellbeing, you should investigate inversion therapy. Those with an inversion table at home to say, is the best thing you can do for your body.

Inversion Therapy says - you should be a table of reverse?

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Body Flex Gravity Inversion System IT8020

!9# Body Flex Gravity Inversion System IT8020

Rate : | Price : $186.90 | Post Date : Aug 04, 2011 02:52:15
Usually ships in 3-4 business days

Body Flex Gravity Inversion System IT8020The Body Flex gravity inversion system is designed to counteract the forces of gravity on the body by decompressing and elongating the spine to reduce pressure on your spinal cord, ligaments and nerve roots. This 3-position bench has a 250-lb weight capacity, conveniently folds for storage, and inverts to multiple angles, which helps relieve back pressure and stress, increase blood circulation, promote stretching and improve posture.Deluxe foam Nylon covers Folds for easy storageAccommodates varying user sizesSafety rail designSturdy steel frame and design
-SKU (MODEL#): AR_5818412. -Brand Name: Body Flex. -Shipping Weight: 50.00 lbs. -Item Condition: new.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

New Fitness Health Inversion Table 2011 Release

!9# New Fitness Health Inversion Table 2011 Release

Brand : Gravity Inversion Table | Rate : | Price : $79.95
Post Date : Jul 26, 2011 04:22:41 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Using our inversion table is extremely easy. You simply lay on the table, the feet are inserted into two comfortable ankle grips and the user lies back on the nylon mat, raises the arms overhead (inversion tables are able to be positioned and manipulated to individually preferred angles simply by one's arm movements, or to oscillate, or to lock in a fully inverted position), and glides into an inverted position. It's as simple as that.Features:Brand new 2011 model Easy to assemble and adjust (comes with very easy to read setup manual) Folds up easily for storage Adjustable bar (fits anyone at or under 330 pounds, and 6'6" height) High quality steel frame, built to last

  • 2011 model with strong steel frame
  • Adjustable bar (fits anyone at or under 330 pounds, and 6'6" height)
  • Folds up easily for storage
  • Easy to assemble and adjust (comes with very easy to read setup manual)
  • High quality steel frame, built to last

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